Just forget the words and sing along

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Star Wars Identities Link Collection

So, if you're my friend on Facebook or if you follow me on Twitter, you know that, back on Thursday, I went to see Star Wars: Identities at the Telus World of Science.  And I loved it!  So I just thought I'd take a minute to collect all the links I've been posting to the social networks.

Now, Star Wars Identities is more than just a wide collection of props from the Star Wars films on display.  The educational component is they explore everything that goes into creating our identity:  our upbringing, the influences of friends and mentors, life events that come along and change things...stuff like that.  And they use the story arcs of Luke Skywalker from the original trilogy and Anakin Skywalker from the prequels as their prime examples.  The interactive component is you wear this special wristband, and along the way, you have to make certain life choices.  And at the end, you get to see the Star Wars character you created.

This is me.  This is me in Star Wars.  This is the character I created.

To read my character's bio, just click this link! 

But that's not all.  I also had my camera along and took lots of pictures.  I took lots of video, too, and edited it together into a little home movie.  So, here it is, my little film, entitled Mark Goes to Star Wars Identities.

This video is lovingly dedicated to my friend Kenten, because only he would give me the idea of doing a Red Green/Star Wars mash-up.

I do have a gigantic, epic length blog entry planned talking about my impressions and reflections on, not just Star Wars Identities, but my first trip to the Telus World of Science in about 15 years or so.  Hopefully that'll be up in the next day or so...getting it finished is top of my to-do list for this Sunday. 

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