As I'm sure you know, if you ask Canada Post nicely, they'll stop delivering junk mail to you. I asked them, because I was sick of all the flyers I was getting. And now, on many days, I lament on how empty my mail box is. Days, nay, weeks go buy without anything in my mailbox.
And today...I got a fistfull of bills.
Have I mentioned how pissed off I am over the release of The Weird Al Show: The Complete Series? It was supposed to come out yesterday, but for some weird reason, here in Canada, it's been pushed back to September 26.
Right now, I'm looking at and wondering if it would be worth it to order it out of the States. But then, September 26 is also when Weird Al's new album comes out, so maybe I should just hold off and make the 26th my Weird Al day.
Hey! Here's some cellphone snapshots I took a few weeks ago.

For those who've listened to this week's podcast, you've heard me talk of the Muskeg Creek trails here in Athabasca. Well, from my walk down these trails, I stumbled upon this lookout point, gazing across a hidden valley.
Well, it felt that way.

And then, the next day, I was so bored I drove the hour to Lac La Biche. Nice place, that Lac La Biche. Here's Lac La Biche's most famous landmark, this old hotel, which is now town hall and the tourist information booth. I have a postcard of this place.... It was kind of weird. This is the first time I'd visited a place that I'd been sent a postcard of...that I'd never been to.
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