Just forget the words and sing along

Sunday, September 23, 2012

It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's a Targ!

U62: The Targ -- My podcast

Holy moly!  Is it that time?  Is it time for the return of U62: The Targ?  Is Mark's summer hiatus at an end?

Not quite.

I've still got a couple of busy weekends coming up, so I'm reluctant to say, "I'm back!"  However, I'm bored, I've got some free time, and I've got stuff to say, so that's as good a reason as any to do a show.  Think of this as a warm-up to Season 6 proper.

In my Thanksgiving Special:  All Stuffing, No Turkey, I talk about some of the weird stuff left behind in hotel rooms, the epic crossover that will be James Cameron on MythBusters, and the Magic Kingdom is opening up to be a little more fun for grown-ups.

So, yeah.  I'm not quite ready for a full-blown comeback, but it's a start.

Click here to go download it!

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