Well, this weekend was the Athabasca Fringe, and, being a part of the station (who was one of the big sponsors, actually), I got me a press pass. I got to go to every show for free, on the condition that I write a glowing news story on it. Of course, the glowing news story is written and I'll read it on the air tomorrow, but sadly, because of the limitations of radio, I can't go that in-depth.
That's why I have I blog.
But yup, let me re-iterate. Athabasca has a Fringe festival. They boast that it's the largest rural Fringe in North America. In years past, performers for the Edmonton Fringe have used it as sounding board...a place to try out new stuff. You know, like how a play will run in Chicago before it opens on Broadway.
This being a small town...a church-going town...there was a lot of religous plays. Conversations with God, one-man Passion plays, stuff like that. Didn't make it out to those ones.
What I did make it out to was really good. The high school kids had a production, which was damn good for a bunch of high school kids, but it was a little heavy-handed in its message.
I saw another play called The Square of All Roots. According to the info, it's become quite a popular Fringe play. It was quite good. I suggest it.
Athabasca's also one of the few Fringes that also has a lot of musical performances and concerts...took in a couple of those. Saw the local piano virtuoso...he's actually in his second year at Augustana, going for his degree in music. He was very good.
I was also highly captivated by Paula MacNeil, a soprano currently working out on the west coast. Yes, you heard me right, I took in some opera. She was very captivating...."spellbinding" is the right word.
But yeah. I had a really good time. Wish I could have seen more shows, but we were broadcasting live, meaning it was a bit of a working vacation.
Actually, I mentioned the local pianist who's currently going to AUC...reminded me of one of my happy memories of Augustana.
I always remember the music practice rooms on the ground floor of North Hall. Now, I didn't take any music courses, so I never set foot in one of those music practice rooms. However, I do remember the music.
On those cool, moonlit evenings, when I was out on a sevrun, or just out clearing my head after a long night of homework, I'd always wind up walking past North Hall. And, more often than not, there'd always be some young soul, in one of those music practice rooms, pouring out his or her heart into their music.
I'd often be entranced, and I'd just stop and take a moment to listen to the music. Sometimes I'd listen for a few moments...I think my personal record was an hour.
But yeah. There's something about hearing some music on a cool, moonlit night that just entrances me.
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