Just forget the words and sing along

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Latest column's up! This week, I tell you Who I Am, How I Came to Be:

"As I watched the film, I couldn’t help but think if I have reached a point similar to this. It all started way back in 1996, when I got it in my head to start doing a radio show on Augustana University’s radio station. Granted, it was only available to the campus through closed circuit, and half the campus didn’t know how to plug in, but it was a radio station nonetheless. It was a tumultuous time for CLCR. A declining listenership had opened the debate as to the purpose of the station. While everyone was debating, there was a bit of a talent void at the station…and I was there to fill that void."

As always, Go here to read it!

A lot of novels seem to have a "What I listened to while I wrote this" section at the back. This week, in case you're curious, while I wrote this I was listening to Family Guy Live In Vegas. Very raunchy, very politically incorrect, and very funny.

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