Just forget the words and sing along

Monday, November 21, 2005


Just wanted to take a minute to tell you that it's World Hello Day! How you celebrate is quite simple: throughout this day, say "Hello!" to 10 people.

World Hello Day was started in 1973, at the end of a conflict between Isreal and Egypt. It's believed that, if you take the time to say "Hello" to your neighbours, you will open the lines of communication and thus help spread peace.

So, help spread peace! Say Hello!

And now, I am off to Edmonton to deliver soil samples to the lab, say "Hello" to a few people, and maybe, just maybe, see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

(Ya know, I always wished that the Harry Potter movies would follow the lead of the James Bond movies. Somewhere, in the end credits of Goblet of Fire I hope to see these words: The End of 'The Goblet of Fire' but Harry Potter will return in 'The Order of the Phoenix.')

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