Just forget the words and sing along

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

How I'm too smart for my own darn good #395:

In news class, we were given a sample press release and told to re-write it for broadcast, plus we had to think of 5 people we could contact to get more information about the story. The news release concerned a Liberal constituency announcing thier new candidate. The instructor suggested that we could talk to the head of the Liberal association, but because she suggested that, we couldn't use it. After class I asked, "The proper title for the head of the association is the president. Are you going to dock me marks if I list the president?"

She said no...and then launched into her latest tirade on how I'm just oh-so-perfect to go into news. He latest slant is I'm so good because I know "just enough about everything."

Anyway, as I sit here playing my computer mini golf, I am reminded of something. When it comes to mini-golf courses, I have never played West Edmonton Mall's golf course. What do they call it now...Professor Wem's Adventure Golf? I still think of it as Pebble Beach. That was its concept in the beginning: it was a mini-golf representation of the world famous Pebble Beach Golf Course.

As I thought of this, I remembered how I'd also never been on a date. Doesn't that seem like a good date thing? A round of mini-golf, a movie, and dinner. Now, I just need a woman.

Next Issue...A Robot Girl

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