Just forget the words and sing along

Saturday, November 13, 2004

I've been so gloomy and angst-ridden, I haven't been able to tell this silly story yet.

A few weeks ago, I got off on a tangent on the show and started talking about "the old CLCR days." I was taping that show, because I needed to hand it in to my instructor.

Once a week, I've got to hand in a sample of my on-air shifts to my announcing instructor, so he can pick it apart and grade me. I had no on-air shifts that week, so I was using Chaos in a Box.

Anyway, he was listening to my show, and I got to the part where I mentioned CLCR. His eyes lit up. "You worked for CLCR? The Augustana station? Dude, tell me. How do they work? Because I've always tried to call someone down there and set up something with them." So, I told him how it was run by the students association, and that the manager was hired by the students association to run the station, much like how NAITSA hires an editor for the paper. From there, I continued explaining how it was all run by volunteer students and that the volunteers always lost interest around November, and that the station was shut down once and for all back in January. And I may have also ranted a bit about how I applied to be station manager and got turned down.

But still, I wonder what he meant by, "I tried to set something up with them." Just think. CLCR was always re-broadcasting the Bear duing the day. But, we could have had a couple of FREE NAIT practicum students doing day shifts instead of re-broadcasting the Bear. That would have rocked.

Yeah, my announcing instructor hails from Camrose actually. He got into radio because he had no life and he hung out at CFCW. Eventually, CFCW hired him.

Next Issue...Employment

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