Just forget the words and sing along

Saturday, March 18, 2006


There! As far as I'm concerned, the move to my brand new chaosinabox.com server is complete! This is how you should change your links:

Chaos in a Box:
The main hub, the website that represents all I am, is now as www.chaosinabox.com

Chaos in Print: The Further Adventures of the Scarecrow
My weekly column (which I've always considered to be just above a blog) is now at www.chaosinabox.com/chaosinprint/columns.html

Midnight Ramblings
The blog is still at chaosinabox.blogspot.com. I'll probably move it onto my new server someday.

And there! All the relevant pages at Angelfire have been taken down and replaced with appropriate "please change your links" pages. I have not deleted everything off of Angelfire yet...I'll probably leave it all there for a little while longer.

And that's that! The new chapter begins!

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